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Rehabber's Blog

Our blog is dedicated to helping homeowners and investors with their rehabbing projects, offering practical advice and expert guidance. We cover a wide range of topics related to rehabbing, from selecting the right materials and tools to managing budgets and timelines.

Your impact as a Rehabber & Builder

Mar 20, 2023

Have you ever thought about your impact as a Rehabber or Builder?

When choosing careers, what is one of the most common things that people are looking for? I hear this all the time, "I just want to make a difference." This may not be everyone's primary goal. However it usually ranks high on the list, along with finding one's passion and paying the bills. (Both of which are also achieved in this business)

If I am reading the room right, we ALL want to make a difference. Luckily, in our industry we are in a great position to make a significant impact on our community... often more than people think. 

Let's start with the most obvious, we provide housing. We help supply our market with homes to buy, and to rent. This is undoubtedly one of the most important and well-known things that we do for our community, especially since shelter is a necessity of life. Additionally, when considering homeownership, we are providing people with commonly their number one wealth generator.

On the other end of the spectrum, we help people with distressed and burdensome housing. This is something that we see internally more than the general public. However this could be the most important thing that we do. The ability to purchase houses or land in cash provides incredible relief to about 6% of the real estate market place. Everyone in this business has seen the value that we provide to distressed homeowners. This is where we have the ability to truly change a persons life, almost in an instant.

But the most overlooked impact that we make as rehabbers and builders is... we provide jobs. Never underestimate this! Our business pays millions of dollars each year towards contractors and suppliers. This is an impact! Think of all the food that you are putting on the table for their families; and the money needed for clothes, bills, and schooling could all be coming from your payments. The best part is, you grow relationships with these contractors and employees where you can directly see the impact you are making on their lives. And don't forget about suppliers too. When we purchase material we are allowing these suppliers to grow and hire more employees also. 

Oh and also, we help stimulate the economy through the supply chain and real estate, we stimulate banking through lending privately and publicly, we help clean up communities, and so much more. So yes, our impact is huge and felt everywhere! 

Just another reason why this business is so incredible!


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